Best heat exchanger manufacture and supplier!
Plate heat exchangers, often called plate-and-frame heat exchanger, have a major advantage over( high heat transfer rate) other types of heat exchangers in that the fluids are exposed to a much larger surface area.
The plate heat exchanger consists of a frame with end plates which squeeze the corrugated heat transfer plates. Within plate heat exchangers, the fluid paths alternate between plates allowing the two fluids to interact(heat or cool one fluid by transferring heat between it and another fluid, but not mix).
High quality gaskets are designed to protect against leaks and seal plates together. Plates can easily be removed for expansion, cleaning, or replacing purposes. These design can drastically reduce the costs of maintenance.
A mixture of welded and gasketed plates. This type of heat exchanger contain pairs of two plates welded together which are gasketed to other pairs, therefore one fluid path is welded and the other fluid path is gasketed. It's easy to service on one side and able to transfer more intense fluids on the other. Semi-Welded heat exchanger type is perfect choice for transferring expensive materials because it has a very low risk of fluid loss.
Taiwan SRP Heat Exchanger manufacturer offers the best product for you.Compact heat exchanger solutions and service worldwide.